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Judiciary Health Run: DCJ and 22 Scoop Awards
(L)Hon. Justice Dr. Zeija (PJ) receiving his award from (R)Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo (DCJ)

KAMPALA: The Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo and Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, are among the 23 Judiciary staff awarded for their consistent participation in Judiciary's Weekly Health Run.

The Health Run is a physical fitness exercise session every Friday that features a seven kilometer run on the city roads and aerobics session conducted by a professional trainer at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala.

The awards were handed to the senior Judicial Officers and administration staff amidst cheers during a colorful awards ceremony on Friday (February 29,2020) as the Judiciary marked its 24th Health Run.

Judiciary's Permanent Secretary, Mr Pius Bigirimana, who introduced the physical fitness exercises at the Judiciary on August 6, 2019, recognized the regular participants and handedover the awards, hand-in-hand with the Ag. Chief Registrar, HW Tom Chemutai. Onthe awards list was 16 Judicial Officers and seven administration staff.

While accepting his award,the Deputy Chief Justice apologized for the number of times he has missed theexercise. "For the number of Fridays you've not seen me here participating withyou, it's genuinely because I was not in Kampala. So I take this award on theunderstanding that I have been forgiven my defaults," said Hon. Justice Dollo, adding:"I will now strive like Boxer in Animal Farm to work even harder."

On his part, the Principal Judge appealed to all staff to embrace the run for their personal health ratherthan perceiving it as a punishment. "Sometimes when you run and get tired youfeel like it's a punishment, no, the body is rather telling you that you have been lazy," said Hon. Justice Dr. Zeija.

Supreme Court's Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach Amoko said: "this award belongs to you all because you've encouraged me to come. I don't come here just to run but I come also to meet all of you who I can’t meet when I am locked up in Kololo," said.

"I told myself that I should also become more active because I closed my 'factory' (giving birth) long time ago but I could reopen with this," said High Court's Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo. "I take this opportunity to thank the Permanent Secretary for keeping us this active for I believe with this exercise, Judicial Officers will have less and less problems dogging us, the judicial diseases; the back, the neck pains and hands," said High Court Judge, Hon. Lady Justice Esta Nambayo.

"When this program was introduced I was one of the people that resisted, but I can tell you now I am fully converted and I encourage all of us to do the same because it is for our health," said HW Chemutai, the Ag. Chief Registrar. The Commissioner Engineering and Technical Services, Dr. Ebal Christopher, encouraged more Judiciary staff to participate in the programme for, "the only asset you have in life is your health so preserve it through such programmes."

Mr. Bigirimana encouraged members that didn’t receive certificates not to lose hope. "I encourage those who have been very consistent, the coming Fridays be here, you will get and we shall introduce 'ebigendarako' (incentives)that will accompany the certificates," he said.

Other Judiciary Officers awarded included: Hon. Lady Justice Alexandra Nkonge Rugadya (High Court);Registrars: HW Elias Omar Kisawuzi, HW Sarah Langa, HW Nabakooza Flavia, HW Karemani Jameson Karemera; Magistrates: HW Katushabe Prossy, HW Kabugho Byakutaga Caroline, HW Mbabazi Edith Mary and HW Natwijuka Aloysius. From the administration, awards went to the Under Secretary, Ms. Maureen Kasande, Mr.Nathan Okurut, Ms. Christine Nanteza, Ms. Allen Nawankambo, Ms. Berna Nanziri and Mr Imam Muwonge.

The Judiciary Top Policy Management in its meeting of August 7, 2019 resolved that mandatory physical fitness exercise be put in place as one of the avenues to improve the well-being of its staff.

Posted 2nd, March 2020
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